Stuff Read in 2024

 Stuff Read in 2024

Short Stories

1. "Image Not Found: Francesca's Bridge" by Aimee Picchi in The Deadlands

2. "A Witch, a Wakening," by Laura Blackwell in The Future Fire

3. "The Rose Sisterhood" by Susan Taitel in The Future Fire

4. "Why Don't We Just Kill the Kid in the Omelas Hole" by Isabel J. Kim in Clarkesworld

5. "Not Lost (Never Lost) by Premee Mohamed in Psychopomp 

6. "The Weight of Your Own Ashes" by Carlie St. George in Clarkesworld 

7. "White Lines" by Margaret Adelle 

8. "eyes I dare not meet in dreams" by Sunny Moraine in Reactor 

9. "Trust Exercise" by Lucy Zhang in Adi Magazine

10. "Without My Flaws" by Devan Barlow in Stupefying Stories

11. "Cicadas, and Their Skins" by Avra Margariti in Strange Horizons 

12. "Within the Dead Whale" by Spencer Nitkey in Flash Fiction Online


1. The Foxhole Court, by Nora Sakavic

2. The Raven King, by Nora Sakavic

3. The King's Men, by Nora Sakavic

4. The Sunshine Court, by Nora Sakavic

5. The Siege of Burning Grass by Premee Mohamed

6. Daughter of the Wormwood Star by Paul Jessup



1. "Six of Swords Becomes the Emperor" by Ali Trotta in Uncanny

2. "hemiplagic migraine as willing human sacrifice" by Ennis Rook Bashe in eternal haunted summer

3. "Homunculi of Creation" by Avra Margariti in The Future Fire

4. "Rowing" by  Anne Sexton

5. "the mother" by Gwendolyn Brooks 

6. "The Abortion" by Anne Sexton 

7. "Egrets" by Mary Oliver

Non fiction

1. "Archaeologists Unearth 22,500-Year-Old Mammoth-Bone Structure" by Enrico de Lazaro in Sci News

2. "Riding the baddest bulls made him a legend. Then one broke his neck." by Sally Jenkins in the Washington Post 

3. "The Ian McShane Experience" by Abraham Riesman in Vulture 

4. "What if He Actually Did It" by Amanda Knox in The Atlantic 

5. "What's to become of artifacts left at the Arlington Cemetery?" by Kelsey Baker in Washington Post 

6. "What's in Prince's Fridge?" by Staff at Heavy Table 

7. "Please I will give anything for you to come back" by Ted Conover in Outside 

8. "'Remarkable' fossils offer clues to perplexing pterosaur question" by Laura Baisas in Popular Science 

9. "What a Puppy Kindergarten Revealed About Raising Exceptional Dogs" by  Emily Anthes in The New York Times


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